Top Tens of Fall 2012


Here’s my fashion loves and rants for the season. Here we are in Fall 2012 and honestly in Dallas it still feels like summer minus the fact that no pools are open and kids are in school. According to Nordstrom fashion stylists here are the Top 10 of 2012.

  1. Tough Boots – From what I have seen most of these “tough boots” aren’t the coolest looking kicks around – my personal interpretation of this is anything motorcycle style or studded and some of my dear friends have already jumped on the “tough boot” bandwagon. I personally prefer cowgirl boots, which I believe are a Texas wardrobe staple.
  2. Throw on Sweaters – Amen and yes please! I love, love, love throw on sweaters! Have I mentioned how much I love them! Pair them with “jeggings”, and cowgirl boots and you have one of my favorite outfits for cooler temps.
  3. Red Lips – well, they certainly don’t have me here – just because it’s a hot trend – I am not sure I will ever follow this one – red lips on me in the winter mean a sickly Snow White look – no thank you!
  4. Color Pop Bags – Color Pop Bags, how about color pop everything from handbags to jeans! I love seeing so much color and I know my late grandmother (YiaYia) would love it! She hated when we attended weddings that they always looked more like funerals and despised the thought of jeans early in my teen years and quickly accepted that denim was a trend that was not going away. So bring on the color!
  5. Sheath dresses – another yes please for me! I love sheath dresses and love wrap dresses! Both are complimentary to most body types and a wrap dress is more likely to flatter.
  6. A Statement Jacket – This is always been a must in my closet, but now I am on the hunt for some real fun statement jackets (just don’t think this is a time to break out your old “Members Only” jacket – those should’ve been burned the day they came off the production line).
  7. Printed Pants – I am not sure I can really wrap my head around these, but I will instead stick with the color pop pants – if you check the printed pants section of any store, you will most likely acquire a sick feeling and want to run (well, at least I did).
  8. Brooches – Who knew digging in your grandma’s jewelery box would once again be cool… I love vintage pieces, love that I have so many great pieces of costume jewelry that my YiaYia left behind – she would be so proud of the fashions of today’s women!
  9. The “New” Pump – I love these, but quite honestly there is nothing new about them except they may look comfortable, but unfortunately for all of us they may lead us more quickly to a podiatrist. The “New” Pump comes in the forms of platforms, peep toes, metalic toes – you name it.. Animal prints and lizard are still huge and who knew that Steve Madden shoes were now in the triple digits – when the heck did that happen?
  10. Leather Mix -I love that leather is back in the game, but honestly here in Texas it is still way too hot for anything leather-like.

The basic premise – tweeds, cords and brooches are all back in – so, ladies raid your grandmothers closet, restyle it with something new and fresh and make this seasons fashions “Earth friendly” as well as couture inspired.

Well, well, well… Is this your first rodeo?

What I feel like most days (no disrespect to the lady pictured above…)

     Let me start by saying, I’ve blogged for as long as I knew it was called blogging, but now things are changing. This isn’t my first rodeo, friends. I live a wild and crazy life – I drive an SUV filled with carseats and booster seats, I over commit, over do it and often run out of time.  So, welcome to my ride – I am a usually Type A, overachiever with ADD (un medicated) – try that on for size – not easy. Most of the books on my shelf have a bookmark in them half way through, my office gets destroyed weekly to be re-organized and I pile on much more than I can ever carry. I have a dry sense of humor and sometimes the maturity of a 12 year old boy. Don’t ask on that one and I will apologize now for offending someone – it isn’t usually an “if” and more of a “when”. Here goes nothing – or a whole lot of something, however you chose to take it. I want to blog about life, love, parenting, crafting, fashion and so many of things in life we all love or chose to ignore.

Hope you join me on this fun and crazy ride called life and blogging all about it. I’m inspired – how ’bout you?

Me at my best – not everyday! HA!


Summer’s Off?

Well, “Wefells” certainly didn’t take the summer off, but our blog did. We played outside, soaked up the sun, rode the waves, swim team practice each day, attended summer camps and spent more days in the month of July on the beach, than in Dallas. Amen! Life is certainly good and getting better day by day – no complaints here! I love summer and am a little sad it quickly came to an end, but this fall has been better than any season or year yet! Here is a quick photo time lapse of how our summer went – starting with Memorial Weekend at the farm with our family, the first day of summer we rescued a litter of baby rabbits, spent time in the sprinkler and playing with sidewalk chalk, swim team each day, road trips, beach trips, ice cream with sweet friends and the finale of summer was momma’s lake trip with girlfriends! Ahhh and now school and routines have returned, but there is something so wonderful about bodies of water during the hot summer with friends and family!

Inspired Mothering

“Before you were conceived, I wanted you. Before you were born, I loved you. Before you were an hour, I would die for you. This is the miracle of love.” – Maureen Hawkins

Anytime people talk about their children being “accidents”, or even my own parents talking to my sister and I about how they didn’t plan on having children, I always come back to this moment of thought – I prayed to God for my husband, I begged God for my children, one at a time and no matter how rewarding or difficult. I think back to the times when I would have given anything to have them and that moment shortly after they were born when someone said, “it’s like no feeling you’ve ever had – you would jump in front of a moving train for them…” and as hard as some days can be – I certainly would do just that. Mothering is not for the faint of heart, I have been in the trenches and seen brighter days, but would I change any of it? Not a chance. Happy Mother’s Day to all!

If I Had My Life To Live Over

Erma certainly had some great words to live by and thankfully I found them years ago.

If I Had My Life To Live Over
by Erma Bombeck

If I had my life to live over, I would have talked less and listened more.
I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded.
I would have eaten the popcorn in the ‘good’ living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.
I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.
I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.
I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.
I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.
I would have cried and laughed less while watching television – and more while watching life.
I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband.
I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren’t there for the day.
I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn’t show soil or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.
Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I’d have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.
When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, “Later. Now go get washed up for dinner.”
There would have been more “I love you’s”.. More “I’m sorrys” …
But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute… look at it and really see it … live it…and never give it back.
© Erma Bombeck

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Piddle, Hair, Underwear (And Not all at Once) – Nice.

There’s one of these in my near future! 🙂

So the hubs left early in the morning for a red eye flight, which left me in charge of all the morning rituals. I got up super early, even showered the night before, got Blondie up, dressed and fed, all while I finished getting ready myself. As she was brushing her teeth, I went to get the Dude out of bed, he insisted on using the potty downstairs. Who’s going to argue there – at least he’s held it all night and wanted to use the potty right? At this point I’m pretty sure he’ll still be wearing diapers in the frat house. :(.

He rushed his naked self downstairs and of course Blondie would not hand over the footstool or leave the room to give him privacy. And… Wait for it… Screaming ensued. I rush in there to find what looks as if someone emptied a small wading pool in the doorway of the bathroom. I said that right. In the doorway of the bathroom – a mere 4 feet from the toilet. Geez Louise. Now we are all upset, urine is everywhere, I have one naked kid and one without brushed hair. Where is my margarita?

I clean the Dude, get him dressed, brush Blondie’s mop, throw a towel (“Big Daddy” style – Adam Sandler movie reference) over the new pool on the floor and fly out the door to drop Blondie off at school.

Whew! we missed the tardy bell by 5 minutes, but I think my ticker took a licken’. Cleaned up our new “pool”. Got the Dude off to school, ran to get copies made by possibly the slowest person at CopyMax, ran out of time – had to come back after kindergarten centers.

During centers, we are supposed to help the kids so the teacher can work with the reading groups – too bad everything that could’ve gone wrong, did and I was forced to interrupt the teacher at least half a dozen times. I felt like I wanted to run away! My friends daughter called me over while raising her hand to say “Mrs. Fell, you need a haircut, you’re hair is too long!” I’m so glad 5 year olds are up on fashion and hair – I felt so much better after my 5 year old hair consultation. I suddenly felt like Crystal Gale!

I fly on my broomstick back the CopyMax – running in the door, straight to the back because my coffee had kicked in and I seriously thought I was going to be the next person wearing a diaper.

Woah! That was close – as I pull my tights up – my underwear make a “riiiiipppppp” sound. Nice – to top it all off I really was moments from having my panties in a wad!

I pay for my copies and I’m off to a Chamber of Commerce networking event. By this time I got there I was at least 30 minutes early and sat in my car because I was certain something else was bound to happen if I didn’t remain in one place. At this point, I sat there laughing hysterically at the farce of a day it had already been and the sad that it wasn’t even 11am.

Thankfully, the day got better from there, but it isn’t over yet! Hope you got a laugh – I certainly did after a few choice words here and there.

– K-

Two Quick and Easy Crock Pot Dishes

I am one lucky lady, I have two amazing kids and even better they love food, all types. My children are the epitome of foodies. Tonight, as he consumed an easy crock pot dish of beans and cornbread, the Dude says, “Mommy, what’s this?” pointing to the clear item in his bowl, I honestly reply, “an onion”. His response, “Oh, I just love onions”. He won’t be 3 until March and that still provides me with sheer amazement that he finds vegetables so endearing.

These recipes are simple and feed a crowd – not only that we usually have left overs which means cooking less often. Amen to that! 

I thought I would pass along a few super easy crock pot dishes that We Fells love!

Creamy Crock Pot Chicken Pasta with Mushrooms

1 1/2 pounds of Boneless Chicken (cut in strips or smaller pieces)
8 oz. of fresh mushrooms (sometimes I add black olives as well)
1 package of dry Italian dressing mix
1 8oz reduced fat cream cheese
(Season All and cooking spray)
1 can of Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom soup
1 lb (16oz) of pasta (use whatever kind you like, I think it works best with rotini)

Spray the inside of your crock pot with the cooking spray. Then, place the chicken in the crock pot and cover the chicken with the mushrooms.

In a separate bowl, mix together the Italian dressing, Cream of Mushroom soup and softened cream cheese. Stir and then spread evenly over the mushroom covered chicken.

Cooked on high dinner is ready in 3-4 hours. I have even placed moderately frozen chicken in the crock pot as it is a little easier to slice when still slightly frozen.

Serve this yummy chicken dish over hot pasta with the sides of your choice.

Delicious Crock Pot French Dip

I usually go to the deli and find the best looking and freshest rolls – whether those are bollos or chiabatta. You can use whatever you like.

1 package of onion soup mix (store brand is fine)
16oz can of beef broth
1.5 lb trimmed chuck roast (or like meat – the last time I used sirloin)
Bag of mozzarella cheese

Poor beef broth into the crock pot, stir in the onion soup mix and place the roast in the sauce. Cook on low for 8 hours. I usually shred the meat in the crock pot using either two forks or a fork and knife, and let the shredded meat simmer for another hour or so.

Warm your oven to 350 degrees, slice your bread or rolls open, fill with shredded meat and top with mozzarella. Serve with the au jus sauce on the side as a dip.  I also serve this with chips or sweet potato fries and carrot sticks.

These are just a couple of our family favorites, but they are easy, the kids like them – happy family = happy mom!

Just like they always say, “If momma ain’t happy, nobody’s happy!” 🙂

A recipe your family will love

One of my dear childhood friends made these muffins one time we were at her house for a play date – ever since my children ever so lovingly refer to these as “Stacy’s Muffins” and even though it is not officially her recipe – she did put her own touches into it and we love it just the same. I thought I would share it with you. You will see Stacy’s notes in the parenthesis and of course I deferred from them even still – if you love the blueberries add in 2 cups instead – you will be so happy you did.

On a side note, I keep this recipe on my phone and for some strange reason my iPhone is missing notes from a few months time period right about where I had this recipe saved – thankfully I sent it to a friend via email and had to share with you all!

Stacy’s blueberry banana muffins

2 cups whole spelt flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
1/3 cup flaxseed meal
2 large organic eggs, lightly beaten
1 cup mashed banana (~ 2 large bananas)
1/2 cup canola oil ………(i used safflower oil, but you can do just about any oil that doesn’t have a heavy flavor like extra virgin olive)
1/4 cup maple syrup/honey  ……( i used 1/2 organic maple syrup and honey)
1/4 cup agave nectar
1/4 c of dark brown organic sugar (my addition)
1 cup frozen organic wild blueberries, unthawed

preheat oven to 350 degrees. grease muffin tins with oil, or use muffin liners.

sift together dry ingredients (spelt flour through flaxseed meal), and set aside.

combine wet ingredients, and mix well.

add dry ingredients to wet, folding just until incorporated. gently fold in blueberries.

spoon into muffin tins. bake for about 20 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. be sure to turn muffin pan around halfway through to ensure even baking. allow 10-15 minutes to cool, then remove from baking tin.

Credit to Stacy Cox Fuqua for sharing this tasty treat with us – love you friend!  

For the love of Trooper and all things social media…

My boutique social media, graphic design and web design business is busier than it’s ever been. Additionally,  along with my friend Kim and her love for a rescue dog named Trooper and her ideas, we began a 501(c)3 non-profit organization called Trooper’s Team.  On December 10th, we had our first event, which was a great success and we loved seeing all our friends and supporters show up. 2012 has big plans in store.

Trooper with Santa – what a sweet boy!

Fun pic of my kiddos and our rescue pooch, Mac, on Santa’s lap.

Naptime Design, LLC is bursting at the seams and my small one-woman show is about to become something bigger. Hang on to your hats. 🙂 January means writing business plans, social media plans, blog calendars, website creation/re-do’s and graphic design elements. Getting ahead so we can stay on top! Such an exciting time with so many proverbial irons in the fire. The ideas are flowing and I just wish I could ask for more time to make all my ideas come to fruition.

The scripture on my desk at all times is “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” Proverbs 16:3 – I do my best to keep my focus on the prize, Jesus and let Him take the wheel.  Anytime I feel like hanging up my hat for work – He continues to bless me abundantly. Keep those thoughts in mind when you think things are impossible. “With God all things are possible.”

The Greatest Woman I Ever Knew… A Tribute.

On Saturday, April 18th, at 1:45 a.m. my Yia Yia (Greek for grandmother) went to be with the Lord in Heaven. I know she would spank me for shedding tears in her absence, but this cannot be avoided. When I say she was the greatest woman I ever knew – I mean that with all my heart. My Yia Yia taught me a lot of what I know about life, people and about myself. The lessons and words of wisdom she gave me are endless. Not to mention all the love she poured into my sister and myself – she was my other mother. When I was sick she was always there, she always made me macaroni and cheese or massaged my neck when I had one of those all too common headaches. I have always known she was the pillar of strenth for me and my family – the matriarch – now she has passed on the torch. Her final words to me other than that she loved me was to take care of my babies – Katelyn, who she loved more than anything (who is also named for her, as am I) and little Charlie who she hung on to meet in her final days. We got the call that she was not long for this Earth, we rushed to her bedside and spent time talking to her, with her, holding her hand, kissing her, praying with her and just taking time to be by her side. Although, the way she was when I last saw her is not how I hope to remember her, but I wouldn’t change the opportunity I had to tell her I how I feel – no regrets. My heart nearly broke in two when she called to say she wanted to die and that she could go on no longer – in my usual fiesty tone I told her she wasn’t allowed that she had to meet her new great-grandson – she held on just long enough to see him and her precious Katelyn. I unrealistically never thought I would have to walk this earth without my precious Yia Yia always being a phone call, plane ride or car ride away and selfishly I wish she still was, but I know she is fully restored in the Lord and is healthy and well in Heaven having a party and seeing the world with all her friends and family that had gone on before her. Words are a good start, but none can ever compare to her and none can ever describe all she meant to me and my family. Please pray for myself and my family as I learn to adjust to life with my new little man and without the love and guidance that my Yiayia always gave. Yia Yia know that you are always in my heart and I think of you all the time!

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