Archives for February 8, 2012

Piddle, Hair, Underwear (And Not all at Once) – Nice.

There’s one of these in my near future! 🙂

So the hubs left early in the morning for a red eye flight, which left me in charge of all the morning rituals. I got up super early, even showered the night before, got Blondie up, dressed and fed, all while I finished getting ready myself. As she was brushing her teeth, I went to get the Dude out of bed, he insisted on using the potty downstairs. Who’s going to argue there – at least he’s held it all night and wanted to use the potty right? At this point I’m pretty sure he’ll still be wearing diapers in the frat house. :(.

He rushed his naked self downstairs and of course Blondie would not hand over the footstool or leave the room to give him privacy. And… Wait for it… Screaming ensued. I rush in there to find what looks as if someone emptied a small wading pool in the doorway of the bathroom. I said that right. In the doorway of the bathroom – a mere 4 feet from the toilet. Geez Louise. Now we are all upset, urine is everywhere, I have one naked kid and one without brushed hair. Where is my margarita?

I clean the Dude, get him dressed, brush Blondie’s mop, throw a towel (“Big Daddy” style – Adam Sandler movie reference) over the new pool on the floor and fly out the door to drop Blondie off at school.

Whew! we missed the tardy bell by 5 minutes, but I think my ticker took a licken’. Cleaned up our new “pool”. Got the Dude off to school, ran to get copies made by possibly the slowest person at CopyMax, ran out of time – had to come back after kindergarten centers.

During centers, we are supposed to help the kids so the teacher can work with the reading groups – too bad everything that could’ve gone wrong, did and I was forced to interrupt the teacher at least half a dozen times. I felt like I wanted to run away! My friends daughter called me over while raising her hand to say “Mrs. Fell, you need a haircut, you’re hair is too long!” I’m so glad 5 year olds are up on fashion and hair – I felt so much better after my 5 year old hair consultation. I suddenly felt like Crystal Gale!

I fly on my broomstick back the CopyMax – running in the door, straight to the back because my coffee had kicked in and I seriously thought I was going to be the next person wearing a diaper.

Woah! That was close – as I pull my tights up – my underwear make a “riiiiipppppp” sound. Nice – to top it all off I really was moments from having my panties in a wad!

I pay for my copies and I’m off to a Chamber of Commerce networking event. By this time I got there I was at least 30 minutes early and sat in my car because I was certain something else was bound to happen if I didn’t remain in one place. At this point, I sat there laughing hysterically at the farce of a day it had already been and the sad that it wasn’t even 11am.

Thankfully, the day got better from there, but it isn’t over yet! Hope you got a laugh – I certainly did after a few choice words here and there.

– K-

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