Archives for June 24, 2013

Finding Peace and Rest



Over the past 7 weeks or so, there are have been a number of changes in my daily routine. I have spent less and less time on social media, blogging and watching television, I have gotten up super early (even when I don’t “have” to) and have gotten to the gym daily before my hubby goes to work. For anyone that has known me any length of time, you will automatically almost think I may have completely lost my mind. Not only have I spent the past 7 weeks deeply rooted in God’ word, early in the morning before anyone in my house is awake, but I also added getting up even earlier to do both my prayer and quiet time, as well as my workouts. This former night owl, is no longer such, most days I can hardly stay up past about 9:30 or 10pm. 5 am has never been my preferred time, but there is truly something to be said about getting up early, digging into the Bible and crunching out several miles before the day has officially begun. Change is never easy, nor is taking the first step, but keeping at it is so worthwhile. “Life is so much brighter when we focus on what truly matters.”

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